i-Cycle T-Shirts

It’s a novel idea!.

Vintage Novel T-Shirts is a simple concept. We set out to offer the finest quality T-shirts and accessories with relaxed and elegant style. Drawing from the type of craftsmanship reminiscent of the past - hence, the “vintage” in our name - we combine it with the design style and lifestyle sensibilities of contemporary buyers. It’s a novel idea!

The result is our three product lines: Wine Snob, Yoga Life and i-cycle. Designed for those who enjoy an active life, each line occupies a unique niche in our Vintage Novel T-Shirts company. Whether it’s the upscale indulgence of savoring fine wine, the tranquility of yoga or the exhilaration of cycling, our individual lines have the commonalities of vintage quality, sustainability and transcendent style.



No mere aficionado of fine wine, you are a connoisseur. Indeed, you are a wine snob, and proud of it. That's why this line is for you!



Melding the casual and comfy athletic wear cyclers want after the ride, with chic vintage stylings that offer relaxed panache, i-cycle appeals to the serious cycler and the weekend rider alike.

Yoga Life

Yoga Life

Relaxed, organic, introspective - that's the yoga life. Designed with a sleek and simple style, Yoga Life embodies the unhurried, contemplative aesthetic that defines you far beyond the yoga studio.